Because they are so far back in the mouth, wisdom teeth often are not needed for chewing and are difficult to keep clean. Your Miles of Smiles dentist may recommend the early removal of impacted wisdom teeth because waiting until you are older can increase complications.
The surgical method used for your wisdom tooth removal will depend on whether your wisdom teeth are erupted or impacted and how deep the roots are. A partially or completely erupted wisdom tooth may be extracted with forceps. Occasionally, if the roots are deeply embedded in the jawbone, the tooth may have to be sectioned or bone removed. If your tooth is impacted, an incision is made in the gum to reach your wisdom tooth. The incision creates a flap, which is peeled back, exposing the jawbone. If the tooth is lodged in the jawbone, bone tissue that is covering the tooth may have to be removed. The tooth may be extracted from its socket in one piece or sectioned for easier removal.