A dental implant is much like a natural tooth, which has a root in your jawbone, topped by a crown that you can see. When you need an implant, your dentist inserts a metal post beneath your gum and into the bone. It fuses to the bone in your jaw and acts like the root of a tooth. Then your dentist makes a replacement crown on the metal post, designed to blend in with the way your own teeth look and feel. Dental implants also can be used to anchor dentures.


Another tooth replacement option is a fixed bridge (sometimes called a fixed partial denture). This is a restoration that replaces or spans the space where one or more teeth have been lost. A fixed bridge is bonded or cemented into place – only a dentist can remove it.


As its name describes, a removable bridge (sometimes called a removable partial denture) readily can be taken out of the mouth for cleaning. Although removable bridges generally are less expensive, fixed bridges, when indicated, may feel more stable and comfortable.